StoryBox Arts


StoryBox Arts provides an affordable and alternative after-school and school holiday program for students interested in art and creative writing. In many workshops, the focus is on quality children’s literature and the important role it plays in our culture to springboard into a multitude of art and creative writing activities.

Creative coach, Debbie, is passionate about books, creative writing, art, and especially children. It is her vision to ignite and foster a passion in youngsters to read and value books, explore the arts and/or write creatively.

Our location: We are based in Cooroibah, Sunshine Coast, Qld.

SCROLL DOWN for school term & holiday dates.

Our Mission

We believe everyone is essentially creative and through artistic experiences we breathe life into our souls, capturing colour, lightness, and fun.

Creating art and stories is a stimulating way for children to engage in their culture, imagination, deepen their creativity, and explore new materials while strengthening their fine motor skills and developing self-confidence. At StoryBox Arts, we encourage creative self-expression, imagination, joyfulness, and a love of learning. We encourage the growth and development of individualistic creatives. To facilitate and accomplish our mission we provide a safe space, along with quality art-based programs aimed at nurturing the whole child. Through the arts, we promote self-discovery and high-esteem while providing extra-curricular opportunities throughout each term and during the school holidays.

Calendar of Classes

September 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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Our Philosophy

Creativity is born in generosity and flourishes where there is a sense of safety and acceptance. For our children to thrive, we must cultivate this safe environment.

StoryBox Arts’s philosophy is founded on the conviction that through the arts children can attain a sense of self-empowerment that is essential to the learning process in all areas academic, social, spiritual, and beyond. Exploration of one’s own creative ideas in a variety of mediums encourages not only the natural curiosity and desire to learn but also independent thought and action. We believe that children flourish in situations rich with experience, choice, and personal responsibility. We recognise the value of a consistent and supportive community of mentors, peers, and parents.

Our Core Values

It is important to treat all participants as creative individuals so it is equally important to ensure that what we impart to children who join with us and participate in our programs, in addition to the creative arts, that we are in alignment when we present the creative process and how we share with the studio community. We strive to teach in a way that reflects how we live and interact with each other as a community of creatives and with the larger community. We presume that parents choose StoryBox Arts, in part, because they perceive that we have shared values. It is therefore our responsibility to uphold these values in each of our actions so that we may intentionally prepare the children to engage well in their environment and their future endeavours.


Empathy – We are more creative when we feel respected. StoryBox Arts instills a sense of mutual respect for others. We treat others how we’d like to be treated with warmth, politeness, kindness, and humour and we never ask students to do anything we wouldn’t do ourselves. Basic human respect and common courtesy are lessons we must be willing to teach, and good behaviour is something we must be conscious to model. Demonstrating mutual respect for artists and their works allows us, and our students, to acknowledge the creativity in others as well as ourselves




Creating a safe space – We believe it is imperative for students who attend our workshops to feel safe in a physical sense as well as accepted when participating in their classes. StoryBox Arts strives to provide a safe place for students to develop as creative individuals, a process that often takes courage. We nurture and encourage students to be risk-takers without fear of rejection by being consistent, kind, compassionate, and strong. StoryBox Arts maintains a no-tolerance policy toward bullying or hate. When acceptance is part of the norm, students can learn to be themselves, original and unique.





Responsibility – We value students’ efforts and the satisfaction they gain from their hard-earned efforts. In a creative environment, we allow for a variety of being, learning, and doing. We ask that our children engage in the full range of studio activities. StoryBox Arts wish to convey to our students that they are responsible for their actions and that those actions directly affect their personal experience as well as their studio community. Students need to acknowledge the opportunities they have been provided by their parents, guardians, their community, and StoryBox Arts and we expect that they will give back by being responsible citizens.





Consistency and Honesty – Honesty and ethical conduct are at the forefront of our minds when serving our community. We expect all students to be mindful and exercise good ethical conduct when participating in their enrolled workshops, as well as their movement throughout the studio and interaction with creative coaches, staff, and peers.


Well organised and quality programs – In order for growth and development to take place in our workshop participants we opt to provide enriched programs to challenge thinking, problem-solving and ignite our students’ curiosity and creative inspiration. When enriched programs are delivered, success and potential for children’s self-esteem grow.